Chemical transformation processes are connected to functional and structural changes of substances and materials. This research area is defined by the recognition, characterization, interpretation and analysis of these processes. Usually, transformation processes are dependent on the conditions they happen. Temperature, pressure, pH, and concentration variations can favour different routes and products. In this way, the determination of the ideal conditions to a specified process to happen as expected is one of the goals of this area.
In the present project, we intend to investigate the synthetic parameters that lead to the control of morphology and crystalline structure of inorganic nanoparticles synthesized by microwave assisted solvothermal routes. Nanoparticles with different shapes may have different activities if used as electrocatalysts, for instance. To investigate these different activities and adsorption processes, and to determine the reaction mechanisms dependent on the superficial structure, single crystal electrodes, considered as model electrodes, will be used as electrocatalysts to study reactions with technological interests.
In the case of electrochemical transformations, we also intend to study the most favourable conditions, including several kinds of catalysts, to advanced oxidation processes to the remediation of aqueous industrial wastes and to use new methodologies to investigate the localized corrosion in petroleum-water interfaces. Analytical methodologies are essential to products and intermediaries determination, and to quantitative analysis of reactive and non-reactive species. Thus, the development of analytical methodologies is also a goal of this project.
We intend to study and to propose micro-decomposition and microextraction analytical procedures ideal to the determination of species of food, environmental, technological, pharmaceutical and clinical interests.
Coordinator: Profa. Dra. Juliana dos Santos de Souza
Coordinator’s Curriculum Lattes (research projects, publications and academic info)
Coordinator’s research grants, scholarships and main publications (FAPESP)