CAPES PrInt: Program for Institutional Internationalization

Since its creation in 2006, UFABC has invested in research and graduate studies based on the spirit of knowledge construction beyond Brazilian borders. Numerous research groups have gained international projection, reflected in high-impact academic-scientific production and the establishment of UFABC as a target for foreign partners.

The Institutional Internationalization Project will allow UFABC to expand its network of international contacts and partnerships. We expect to establish a culture of internationalization at UFABC, which will make the faculty and students converge towards the goal of making our university a global leader in the construction and dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge in the follwing priority research themes:

(1) Biosystems and Biotechnology Tools;
(2) Advances in Nanosciences, Structure of Matter, Quantum Physics and Advanced Materials;
(3) Challenges of sustainability for the 21st century: energy, technology, development and fight against inequality;
(4) Information and Communication Technologies, Complex Systems and Smart Applications.

NEW Click here to access the list of projects for each theme and the corresponding institutional partners.

Main goals

– Foster the construction, implementation and consolidation of strategic plans for internationalization of the institutions contemplated in the areas of knowledge they prioritize;
– Stimulate the formation of international research networks with a view to improving the quality of academic production;
– Expand the actions to support internationalization in graduate courses;
– Promote the mobility of lecturers and students, with emphasis on doctoral students, postdoctoral students, Brazilian lecturers abroad and foreign lecturers in Brazil;
– Foster the transformation of participating institutions into an international environment.

Funding available

– Allowance for overseas work missions, in the context of international cooperation research projects or individual missions;
– Funding for project maintenance for specific actions of research projects;
– Scholarships abroad: Sandwich Doctorate, Senior Visiting Professor, Junior Visiting Professor, Training in short courses or summer/winter schools.
– Scholarships in Brazil: Visiting professor (applicant must be living and working abroad), Young talent with experience abroad (applicant must be living abroad), Postdoctoral researcher with experience abroad (applicant must be living abroad).

Brazilian members

Prof. Dr. Charles Morphy D. Santos (Provost for Graduate studies, Evolutionary Biology)
Curriculum Lattes (research projects, publications and academic info)
Research grants, scholarships and main publications (FAPESP)

Prof. Dr. Dalmo Mandelli (Chemistry)
Profa. Dra. Daniele Ribeiro de Araujo (Physyology)
Prof. Dr. Fernando Carlos Giacomelli (Biotechnology)
Prof. Dr. Guilherme Oliveira Mota (Computer Science)
Profa. Dra. Iseli Lourenço Nantes Cardoso (Nanosciences)
Prof. Dr. Jeroen Johannes Klink (Urban Planning)
Prof. Dr. João Paulo Gois (Computer Science)
Prof. Dr. Roberto Menezes Serra (Physics)
Prof. Dr. Wagner Alves Carvalho (Chemistry)

Foreign members

Prof. Dr. Stephan Hollensteiner (Social Sciences and Humanities)
Universität Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg – Germany

Prof. Dr. Xiaoyi Jiang (Computer Science)
Westfälische Wilhelms – Universität Münster – Germany

Prof. Dr. Carsten Sievers (Chemistry)
Georgia Institute of Technology – USA

Administrative staff

Bruna Caroto Cano
Mariane Lopes
Natália Cardoso Abreu de Araujo

Meeting minutes (Portuguese)

Meeting 1: 14/02/02

Meeting 2: 21/02/19

Meeting 3: 17/04/19

Meeting 4: 27/08/19

UFABC Internationalization Plan (2018-2023)

Portuguese / English

UFABC CAPES-PrInt Project (Full Document)


CAPES-PrInt Counterparts


CAPES documents and circular letters

Guidance on travel changes for students and researchers (COVID-19 Pandemic)[ Orientações sobre alterações das viagens de bolsistas e pesquisadores (Pandemia de COVID-19)]

Calendars and guidelines – Project implementation in 2020 [Ofício Circular nº 7/2020-CGBP/DRI/CAPES – Calendários e orientações referentes à execução do projeto em 2020]

Circular Letter on Scholarship Adjustment [Ofício sobre ajuste de indicação de bolsistas]

General Instructions and Accountability

Funding available and requirements [Financiamento disponível e requisitos]

Control System for Grants and Benefits SCBA Users Manual Beneficiary Profile (Manual do Beneficiário – SCBA) English version – Portuguese version

Manual PrInt [Coletânea de Entendimentos do PrInt – Versão 2.0]

Guidelines for managing the PrInt-Project [Orientações para o gerenciamento do Projeto PrInt]

SCBA: Instructions for indicating Scholarships abroad and Scholarships in Brazil [SCBA: Instruções para indicação de bolsas no exterior e bolsas no Brasil]

Researcher Card CAPES BB – Guide [Manual Cartão Pesquisador CAPES BB]

Inclusion in the project of a new foreign institution [Inclusão de uma nova instituição estrangeira no projeto]

Instructions for Accountability – Missions abroad [Instruções para Prestação de contas – Missões no exterior]

Partner Institutions [Instituições parceiras]

Final results (10/05/2024)

Preliminary results (07/05/2024)

Visiting professor (applicant must be living and working abroad)
[NOVO] Call EDITAL (bolsas iniciando em 01/08/2024; ou 01/09/2024; ou 01/10/2024)

Summary (in English)

Senior and Junior Visiting Professor (applicant must be living and working in Brazil)
[NOVO] Call EDITAL (bolsas com vigência de 01/08/2024 a 31/10/2024)

Short training courses or “summer/winter schools” (for TAs, PhD students, Master’s students and Professors)
[NOVO] Call EDITAL (bolsas com vigência de 1º a 31 de agosto de 2024; ou 1º a 30 de setembro de 2024; ou 1º a 31 de outubro de 2024)

Language Courses

English, French, Spanish and Italian. Courses starting every quadrimester. Selection made through public calls such as this example. (in Portuguese)

Portuguese for Foreigners

Description (in Portuguese)
Last calls

Portuguese for refugees and vulnerable immigrants

Description (in Portuguese, English, Spanish, French and Arabian)


Collaborative Online International Learning. COIL projects involve the co-development of a course by two or more instructors from different countries and universities. The last collaboration happened in 2017 between UFABC and Wayne University (Detroit, USA) in the course “Energy for the 21st century”.

Workshops, Seminars and Lectures

1st Germany day – 2017 (in Portuguese)
Teaching in English (description in Portuguese)
Fighting Poverty and Building Democracy (Program in Portuguese)
Curriculum Studies and Educational Management – Prof. Dr. Takalani Mashau, University of Venda, South Africa (in Portuguese)

PrInt Project

Provost for Graduate Studies, UFABC
Prof. Dr. Charles Morphy D. Santos

Vice-Provost for Graduate Studies, UFABC
Prof. Dr. João Paulo Gois

Federal University of ABC – English site

CAPES PrInt: Program for Institutional Internationalization

Since its creation in 2006, UFABC has invested in research and graduate studies based on the spirit of knowledge construction beyond Brazilian borders. Numerous research groups have gained international projection, reflected in high-impact academic-scientific production and the establishment of UFABC as a target for foreign partners.

The Institutional Internationalization Project will allow UFABC to expand its network of international contacts and partnerships. We expect to establish a culture of internationalization at UFABC, which will make the faculty and students converge towards the goal of making our university a global leader in the construction and dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge in the follwing priority research themes:

(1) Biosystems and Biotechnology Tools;
(2) Advances in Nanosciences, Structure of Matter, Quantum Physics and Advanced Materials;
(3) Challenges of sustainability for the 21st century: energy, technology, development and fight against inequality;
(4) Information and Communication Technologies, Complex Systems and Smart Applications.

NEW Click here to access the list of projects for each theme and the corresponding institutional partners.

Main goals

– Foster the construction, implementation and consolidation of strategic plans for internationalization of the institutions contemplated in the areas of knowledge they prioritize;
– Stimulate the formation of international research networks with a view to improving the quality of academic production;
– Expand the actions to support internationalization in graduate courses;
– Promote the mobility of lecturers and students, with emphasis on doctoral students, postdoctoral students, Brazilian lecturers abroad and foreign lecturers in Brazil;
– Foster the transformation of participating institutions into an international environment.

Funding available

– Allowance for overseas work missions, in the context of international cooperation research projects or individual missions;
– Funding for project maintenance for specific actions of research projects;
– Scholarships abroad: Sandwich Doctorate, Senior Visiting Professor, Junior Visiting Professor, Training in short courses or summer/winter schools.
– Scholarships in Brazil: Visiting professor (applicant must be living and working abroad), Young talent with experience abroad (applicant must be living abroad), Postdoctoral researcher with experience abroad (applicant must be living abroad).

Brazilian members

Prof. Dr. Charles Morphy D. Santos (Provost for Graduate studies, Evolutionary Biology)
Curriculum Lattes (research projects, publications and academic info)
Research grants, scholarships and main publications (FAPESP)

Prof. Dr. Dalmo Mandelli (Chemistry)
Profa. Dra. Daniele Ribeiro de Araujo (Physyology)
Prof. Dr. Fernando Carlos Giacomelli (Biotechnology)
Prof. Dr. Guilherme Oliveira Mota (Computer Science)
Profa. Dra. Iseli Lourenço Nantes Cardoso (Nanosciences)
Prof. Dr. Jeroen Johannes Klink (Urban Planning)
Prof. Dr. João Paulo Gois (Computer Science)
Prof. Dr. Roberto Menezes Serra (Physics)
Prof. Dr. Wagner Alves Carvalho (Chemistry)

Foreign members

Prof. Dr. Stephan Hollensteiner (Social Sciences and Humanities)
Universität Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg – Germany

Prof. Dr. Xiaoyi Jiang (Computer Science)
Westfälische Wilhelms – Universität Münster – Germany

Prof. Dr. Carsten Sievers (Chemistry)
Georgia Institute of Technology – USA

Administrative staff

Bruna Caroto Cano
Mariane Lopes
Natália Cardoso Abreu de Araujo

Meeting minutes (Portuguese)

Meeting 1: 14/02/02

Meeting 2: 21/02/19

Meeting 3: 17/04/19

Meeting 4: 27/08/19

UFABC Internationalization Plan (2018-2023)

Portuguese / English

UFABC CAPES-PrInt Project (Full Document)


CAPES-PrInt Counterparts


CAPES documents and circular letters

Guidance on travel changes for students and researchers (COVID-19 Pandemic)[ Orientações sobre alterações das viagens de bolsistas e pesquisadores (Pandemia de COVID-19)]

Calendars and guidelines – Project implementation in 2020 [Ofício Circular nº 7/2020-CGBP/DRI/CAPES – Calendários e orientações referentes à execução do projeto em 2020]

Circular Letter on Scholarship Adjustment [Ofício sobre ajuste de indicação de bolsistas]

General Instructions and Accountability

Funding available and requirements [Financiamento disponível e requisitos]

Control System for Grants and Benefits SCBA Users Manual Beneficiary Profile (Manual do Beneficiário – SCBA) English version – Portuguese version

Manual PrInt [Coletânea de Entendimentos do PrInt – Versão 2.0]

Guidelines for managing the PrInt-Project [Orientações para o gerenciamento do Projeto PrInt]

SCBA: Instructions for indicating Scholarships abroad and Scholarships in Brazil [SCBA: Instruções para indicação de bolsas no exterior e bolsas no Brasil]

Researcher Card CAPES BB – Guide [Manual Cartão Pesquisador CAPES BB]

Inclusion in the project of a new foreign institution [Inclusão de uma nova instituição estrangeira no projeto]

Instructions for Accountability – Missions abroad [Instruções para Prestação de contas – Missões no exterior]

Partner Institutions [Instituições parceiras]

Final results (10/05/2024)

Preliminary results (07/05/2024)

Visiting professor (applicant must be living and working abroad)
[NOVO] Call EDITAL (bolsas iniciando em 01/08/2024; ou 01/09/2024; ou 01/10/2024)

Summary (in English)

Senior and Junior Visiting Professor (applicant must be living and working in Brazil)
[NOVO] Call EDITAL (bolsas com vigência de 01/08/2024 a 31/10/2024)

Short training courses or “summer/winter schools” (for TAs, PhD students, Master’s students and Professors)
[NOVO] Call EDITAL (bolsas com vigência de 1º a 31 de agosto de 2024; ou 1º a 30 de setembro de 2024; ou 1º a 31 de outubro de 2024)

Language Courses

English, French, Spanish and Italian. Courses starting every quadrimester. Selection made through public calls such as this example. (in Portuguese)

Portuguese for Foreigners

Description (in Portuguese)
Last calls

Portuguese for refugees and vulnerable immigrants

Description (in Portuguese, English, Spanish, French and Arabian)


Collaborative Online International Learning. COIL projects involve the co-development of a course by two or more instructors from different countries and universities. The last collaboration happened in 2017 between UFABC and Wayne University (Detroit, USA) in the course “Energy for the 21st century”.

Workshops, Seminars and Lectures

1st Germany day – 2017 (in Portuguese)
Teaching in English (description in Portuguese)
Fighting Poverty and Building Democracy (Program in Portuguese)
Curriculum Studies and Educational Management – Prof. Dr. Takalani Mashau, University of Venda, South Africa (in Portuguese)

PrInt Project

Provost for Graduate Studies, UFABC
Prof. Dr. Charles Morphy D. Santos

Vice-Provost for Graduate Studies, UFABC
Prof. Dr. João Paulo Gois

Federal University of ABC – English site