Synthesis, characterization and simulation of advanced materials

This research project aims to strengthen the internationalization of the area of Condensed Matter Physics of UFABC, from the perspective of synthesis, characterization, and simulation of materials. This area has advanced very rapidly in recent years; one of its main characteristics is interaction with other areas, mainly Chemistry and Materials Science, focusing on the development of interdisciplinary research.
This advance is addressed in this project through a collaborative process between researchers of the Graduate programs in Physics, Chemistry, and Nanosciences and Advanced Materials. This collaborative interaction, along with existing international collaborations as well as possible new collaborations, will serve as a catalyst for the development of bolder and broader projects as well as for training of the graduate students involved.
The area of Condensed Matter Physics at UFABC counts on researchers specialized in the growth of materials, by physical and chemical routes, focusing on ceramic, magnetic and semiconductor materials; in the characterization of materials, through techniques such as X-ray, Rietvelt, magnetization, electrical conductivity, and magnetoresistance; and in the computational modelling of materials using classical and quantum methods.
It is important to highlight the enormous importance of these collaborations for the development of new technologies and innovation in a broader context. The development of new materials gave us access to fast superconductors (semiconductors), potent lasers and more efficient drugs. The interaction with foreign research groups will allow the advance of Condensed Matter Physics studies and the training of highly qualified students at UFABC.

Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Gustavo Martini Dalpian

Coordinator’s Curriculum Lattes (research projects, publications and academic info)

Coordinator’s research grants, scholarships and main publications (FAPESP)

Synthesis, characterization and simulation of advanced materials

This research project aims to strengthen the internationalization of the area of Condensed Matter Physics of UFABC, from the perspective of synthesis, characterization, and simulation of materials. This area has advanced very rapidly in recent years; one of its main characteristics is interaction with other areas, mainly Chemistry and Materials Science, focusing on the development of interdisciplinary research.
This advance is addressed in this project through a collaborative process between researchers of the Graduate programs in Physics, Chemistry, and Nanosciences and Advanced Materials. This collaborative interaction, along with existing international collaborations as well as possible new collaborations, will serve as a catalyst for the development of bolder and broader projects as well as for training of the graduate students involved.
The area of Condensed Matter Physics at UFABC counts on researchers specialized in the growth of materials, by physical and chemical routes, focusing on ceramic, magnetic and semiconductor materials; in the characterization of materials, through techniques such as X-ray, Rietvelt, magnetization, electrical conductivity, and magnetoresistance; and in the computational modelling of materials using classical and quantum methods.
It is important to highlight the enormous importance of these collaborations for the development of new technologies and innovation in a broader context. The development of new materials gave us access to fast superconductors (semiconductors), potent lasers and more efficient drugs. The interaction with foreign research groups will allow the advance of Condensed Matter Physics studies and the training of highly qualified students at UFABC.

Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Gustavo Martini Dalpian

Coordinator’s Curriculum Lattes (research projects, publications and academic info)

Coordinator’s research grants, scholarships and main publications (FAPESP)