International mobility is a modality where a graduate student from a non-Brazilian institution comes to UFABC for a given period (between a month and a year, according to the activities to be performed and the program coordination’s evaluation).
National mobility is where a graduate student from a Brazilian institution comes to UFABC for a given period (between a month and a year, according to the activities to be performed and the program coordination’s evaluation).
During this period the mobility student is registered as a regular student, having the same rights and bound to the same regulations as other students, as accessing facilities, borrowing books from the campus library and paying the student fare at the restaurant.
The mobility student must have an advisor from a graduate program at UFABC, the mobility must be approved by the program coordination and the focus is on research collaboration. Here you can check the requisites and steps for students that come from Brazilian and foreign institutions.
1. Student enrolment:
Advisor (Professor to be responsible for the mobility student)
The advisor must send the “Registration Form” together with the applicant’s scanned passport (personal info page) to the Program Coordination 2 (two) months in advance.
Program Coordination
After approval of the mobility period the coordinator authorizes the Office for Graduate Programs (PROPG) to register the applicant as a mobility student.
Office for Graduate Programs
Registers the student in the system and informs the Student Register Number to the International Affairs Office.
International Affairs Office
Contacts the student concerning the information about student badge, facility access, university restaurant and library.
Meets the student and presents him/her to the International Affairs Office.
2. End of mobility period
Returns the student badge to the International Affairs Office.
International Affairs Office
Informs the Office for Graduate Studies to close the student registration.