The main objective of this research project is the development of advanced materials for structural and functional applications. The targeted materials have possibilities for future industrial applications, in different time scales, allowing synergistic interaction between the academy and local and national industries. Moreover, this interaction will promote training of high-quality professionals capable of developing their careers in both public, academic institutions, and private sector, contributing to improve the competitiveness of national industries.
The development of these materials is an intrinsic multidisciplinary activity. Hence, the wide range of competencies and complementary research lines of the professors of UFABC is an advantage. The project includes research on computational modelling of structures and properties of materials (DFT, molecular dynamics, Kinetic Monte Carlo approaches, and so on), conventional and advanced characterization techniques (AFM, SEM, HR-TEM, Light and X-ray spectroscopy techniques, etc.) for in-situ and ex-situ investigations, several synthesis routes (CVD, PVD, electrospinning, hydrothermal, microwave assisted techniques, etc.), investigations of processing routes (3D manufacturing, casting, sintering, severe plastic deformation, thermomechanical processing, etc.), and property measurements and performance evaluations (optical, electrical, mechanical, thermal and magnetic properties, corrosion resistance, fatigue life assessment, etc.).
Industrial sectors with potential interest in the lines of research encompassed in this project are automotive, aerospace, fine chemicals, metallurgy, steelmaking, semi-finished products, sensors and actuators, energy, glass products, and microelectronics. In recent years, It is noticeable the increase of the collaboration between UFABC and renowned foreign researchers from France, Canada, Germany, Sweden, England, among others. Therefore, the granting of this project will increase and strength these collaborations through the scientific interaction between Brazilian researchers and Ph.D. students with foreign partners.
Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Sydney Ferreira Santos
Coordinator’s Curriculum Lattes (research projects, publications and academic info)
Coordinator’s research grants, scholarships and main publications (FAPESP)