Study of cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the progression and treatment of pathologies of public health interest

The study of different pathologies involves different lines of scientific investigation such as Biochemistry, Physiology and Cell Biology. The most remarkable research topics are Cancer, and Cardiovascular, Dermatological and Viral Diseases. The studies of the pathophysiological mechanisms on cellular and systemic levels aim to establish relationships bet
een molecular characteristics and changes on biological functions, dynamics and interactions among biological components and the environment in the different studied models (prokaryotes and eukaryotes), characterizing the general aim of this proposal.
Specifically, it is important to highlight: a) the study and production of new generations of immunotherapy with high antitumor potential, in order to understand T-lymphocyte exhaustion mechanisms mediated by extracellular matrix molecules, and to enhance immune system for cancer treatment; b) the study of cell death mechanisms in tumour cells, involving the mitochondrial-endoplasmic reticulum axis and the role of Bcl-2 proteins in those processes, to develop new targets and drugs for antitumor chemotherapy; c) the characterization of intracellular calcium control proteins and the study of mitochondrial dysfunctions in cardiac tissue; d) the characterization of cutaneous microbiota and the analysis of the immune response in patients with seborrhoea dermatitis; and e) the study of molecular mechanisms related to the presence of cytomegalovirus and tumour progression/oncomodulatory potential.

Coordinator: Prof. Dr. César Augusto João Ribeiro

Coordinator’s Curriculum Lattes (research projects, publications and academic info)

Coordinator’s research grants, scholarships and main publications (FAPESP)

Study of cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the progression and treatment of pathologies of public health interest

The study of different pathologies involves different lines of scientific investigation such as Biochemistry, Physiology and Cell Biology. The most remarkable research topics are Cancer, and Cardiovascular, Dermatological and Viral Diseases. The studies of the pathophysiological mechanisms on cellular and systemic levels aim to establish relationships bet
een molecular characteristics and changes on biological functions, dynamics and interactions among biological components and the environment in the different studied models (prokaryotes and eukaryotes), characterizing the general aim of this proposal.
Specifically, it is important to highlight: a) the study and production of new generations of immunotherapy with high antitumor potential, in order to understand T-lymphocyte exhaustion mechanisms mediated by extracellular matrix molecules, and to enhance immune system for cancer treatment; b) the study of cell death mechanisms in tumour cells, involving the mitochondrial-endoplasmic reticulum axis and the role of Bcl-2 proteins in those processes, to develop new targets and drugs for antitumor chemotherapy; c) the characterization of intracellular calcium control proteins and the study of mitochondrial dysfunctions in cardiac tissue; d) the characterization of cutaneous microbiota and the analysis of the immune response in patients with seborrhoea dermatitis; and e) the study of molecular mechanisms related to the presence of cytomegalovirus and tumour progression/oncomodulatory potential.

Coordinator: Prof. Dr. César Augusto João Ribeiro

Coordinator’s Curriculum Lattes (research projects, publications and academic info)

Coordinator’s research grants, scholarships and main publications (FAPESP)